Culture and History

Light as a Non-Verbal Language in our Living Environment

Katia Kolovea
Katia Kolovea
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What do we consider as a language? Language is any systematic or non-systematic means of communication. There is always a sender, a receiver and a message. Language can be verbal or non-verbal like sign language and body language, and it can even be tactile such as Braille.

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Times Square, NY, USA Photography by Claire Jones

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In Ancient Greece, the amber golden light of the fire created a feeling of relaxation and beckoned a gathering. The fire and associated light allowed people to unleash their imagination, connect and tell stories.
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Azadi Tower in Tehran, Photography by Ahmad Halabisaz; One Heart One Tree, Naziha Mestaoui, Photography by Yann Caradec

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Empire State Building, Photography by Joshua Newton; Nattljus 2016 Light Festival, Photography by Katia Kolovea; Fête des Lumières, Photography by Dmitry Djouce

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TeamLab Installation Photography by Cosmin Serban